<aside> <img src="/icons/compass_purple.svg" alt="/icons/compass_purple.svg" width="40px" />

This page details how to use the Habit Tracker and configure related settings.


How to Create a Recurring Habit

To create a new habit, click the disclosure triangle to the right of the New button.


Once open, you’ll see a menu of templates. Click the three dots on the right of one.


This will open another submenu.

Go up to Repeat and click the option on the right.


This opens a menu for selecting select the desired repeat interval, such as Daily.


Once you select your desired interval, Notion will show further scheduling options:


Choose the settings that fit your needs and Save your choices.

Quick Actions

The tracker includes a few buttons on the homepage for performing common actions.

You can adjust these by hovering over the right of the button and clicking the Edit button (cog):
